
Teletherapy – Cognitive Remedial Therapy


COVID-19, Concussions, Traumatic Brain injuries, and multiple diagnoses have been shown to increase cognitive deficits, short term memory deficits, brain FOG or cognitive fatigue, difficulties in multi-tasking, and also greatly impact success in activities that were once thought to be very simple. The problem is that there are very few holistic (whole body) neurolgoical therapists equipped to work with physical, psychobehavioral, and neurocognitive deficits and even fewer medical providers who will take the time to teach patients what is going on inside their mind and bodies.



 Telehealth and virtual treatments (computer-based therapy) has been shown to be JUST AS impactful as coming to the clinic for many symptoms! Buffalo Occupational Therapy can help improve cognition, maintain memory functions, and also work towards many of the thought-based difficulties that come when living with neurological-based symptoms and chronic conditions. Skilled therapists can help  you and/or your loved one through physical activity, offer insightful conversation to meet psychosocial needs, and provide activities that improve symptoms of cognitive fatigue, memory deficits, and decreased attention.

Teletherapy and Virtual Treatments

Do I qualify for virtual occupational therapy? 

  • Do you have Alzheimer’s or dementia? 
  • Are you experiencing early memory changes?
  • Are you experiencing attention, cognitive, and/or memory deficits since being diagnosed with COVID-19?
  • Do you have a history of Traumatic Brain Injury or Concussions?
  • Do you worry about your strength and energy levels? 
  • Do you worry about your balance or falling? 
  • Do you live alone or with your family? 
  • Have you been homebound since COVID-19 began? 
  • Do you have a chronic illness like arthritis, COPD, diabetes or CHF?
  • Have a progressive diagnosis that requires constant physical activity and mental activity. 

Teletherapy and Exercise for older adults in NY computer Buffalo Occupational Therapy - Buffalo Occupational Therapy

How does teletherapy work?

  • Schedule an initial appointment by contacting us.
  • Determine your copay and payment obligation according to your health insurance or private pay. We have payment plans or we may be able to bill your insurance.
  • We will send you documentation to complete and a list of the equipment you will need.
  • Initial evaluation will be conducted to determine your goals and treatment program. This is all performed online.
  • Schedule your appointments for 12 weeks (you can also modify later).
  • During your first teletherapy  treatment session, you will go over what to expect in the coming weeks and will be given a ‘homework assignment’ after each session. Your therapist will have access to the same tools on the list given to you when you first reached out to us.

*All evaluations and treatments are conducted by therapists who have focused their research and continuing education on neurological-based rehabilitation practice with specific competencies in maintaining physical function and cognitive function despite their diagnosis.

What problems can we help in teletherapy?

  • Weakness and low energy 
  • Low stamina and endurance for activity (Get winded and tired easily) 
  • Poor balance or feeling more ‘shaky’ 
  • Forgetting more things or nervous about memory loss 
  • Decreased social participation and feelings of isolation causing heightened anxiety and decreased motivation
  • Client and caregiver education regarding activities to do in home if facing Alzheimer’s or other dementias
  • Caregiver and client guidance in completion of activities of daily living or instrumental activities of daily living
  • Assessments and recommendations for helpful adaptive equipment or simple home modifications 

Supplies and Equipment

What technology will I need?  

  • Computer with a camera, audio, and internet access. 
  • A quiet, private area where you can speak and work openly to your therapist
  • A printer to print handouts, worksheets, and/or homework
  • A way to keep track of your appointments for a 6-week timeframe. 

Examples of common therapy items (may not apply to you)

  • 2# weighted ball (or any)
  • 3# hand weights (or any) (can use a can found in the cupboard)
  • light or medium resistance band 
  • Exercise bar (can use a cane, umbrella, pole)
  • A standard, sturdy chair with or without arms (no wheels)
  • Masking Tape 

***This list is ideal. Your therapist will have access to this list of equipment as well and it makes teletherapy more effective to have a plethora of tools! If you cannot purchase or get access to this equipment, your therapist is an expert in adapting and working with the weight and mechanics of your body to produce great results! 

Do you want to purchase the equipment your therapist uses?

Why choose Buffalo Occupational Therapy?

Buffalo Occupational Therapy works with you one-on-one to create a treatment plan that will meet your needs, accomplish your desired outcomes, and restore your hope in recovery.          

Buffalo Occupational Therapy practitioners are committed to maintaining current competencies, meeting monthly continuing education goals,  and being well-versed in the latest evidence-based, research-driven treatment models in order to offer you the best treatment possible. 

Specialized occupational therapy practitioners are accessible to their patients, invested in producing treatment plans that will produce results, maximize time spent, and offer you hope for recovery. 

Buffalo Occupational Therapy is currently the first and only  Neuro-centered adult outpatient occupational therapy practice specializing in neurological rehabilitation, functional performance, and rehabilitation for older adults.       

Helpful Page Definititions

Muscle Imbalance

Your body is complex and should be working synergistically with all of its parts. When some muscles have become weaker while others remain strong, an imbalance occurs which causes decrease balance, standing tolerance, and joint stability. 

Visual Perception

We incorporate visual perceptual elements into many treatments to enhance perception, balance, safety, cognition, memory, recall and neural excitation. Some areas of visual perception include form constancy, visual discrimination, figure-ground perception, visual closure, visual memory, and visual sequential memory.

Neuromuscular Re-education

NMRE is used by neurocentric occupational therapists to improve communication between your muscular system and nervous system. By promoting this stream of communication, you close the circle of recovery. Without NMRE, you can have the biggest muscles in the world and still experience mobility deficits due to poor reaction time, coordination, and mixed signals. 

Comprehensive Evaluation

Occupational therapists treat the entire person. Much like your primary care physician, we were required to learn elements of the entire body so that we could treat holistically (a one stop shop). Because of this, your outpatient rehabilitation specialist will perform an evaluation that assesses the following things: 

  • Personal history
    • Who are you? What do you do? What makes you tick? Why are you seeking outpatient therapy?
  • Physical function (upper body and lower body)
    • Strength, range of motion, and flexibility 
  • Neuromuscular function (brain to muscle communication)
    • Coordination, speed, agility, and reaction time 
  • Cognitive and Mind health
    • Short term memory, recall, information processing, and perception of illness 
  • Occupational Inventory (Activity and role inventory)
    • Roles you play like a caregiver, spouse, parent, employee, etc. 
    • Mobility inventory like the places you need to go 
    • IADL inventory and what activities are required for you to be independent 
    • Other activities that are important to you