
Stroke Resources and Spastic Hemiplegia Bundle


What is included? 

  • 1 pg resource for tools you can purchase through amazon that are helpful for the treatment of spastic hemiplegia
  • Body Functions impacted by stroke
  • Common symptoms of CVA by arterial supply
  • Spasticity Methods for the treatment of high tone
  • Common functions based on lobes
  • Spastic hemiplegia treatment ideas for practitioners
  • Video Example of Spastic Hemiplegia Activity (~ 4 minutes)
  • Video Instruction on Hypertonicty Management (~17 minutes)

Body Functions Impacted by Stroke (CVA)

When a cerebrovascular accident (CVA), commonly known as a stroke, occurs, the impact extends far beyond the brain, affecting various body functions and systems. This printable guide delves into the multifaceted consequences of stroke on body functions, empowering individuals, caregivers, and healthcare professionals to understand the full scope of stroke-related impairments and develop comprehensive management strategies.

Common Symptoms of CVA based on Arterial Supply

In the realm of cerebrovascular accidents (CVAs), commonly known as strokes, understanding the arterial supply to different regions of the brain is paramount in recognizing and interpreting associated symptoms. This printable guide provides an in-depth exploration of common symptoms of CVA based on arterial supply, empowering individuals and healthcare professionals alike to recognize warning signs and take appropriate action.

When a stroke occurs, the disruption of blood flow to specific areas of the brain results in a cascade of neurological symptoms that vary depending on the affected arterial territory. By understanding the anatomical distribution of major arteries in the brain and their corresponding regions of supply, one can decipher the underlying pathology and anticipate the presentation of symptoms.

Spasticity Methods to Approach Treatment

Spasticity is a common and often challenging symptom experienced by individuals with neurological conditions such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and spinal cord injury. Characterized by involuntary muscle contractions and stiffness, spasticity can significantly impact mobility, comfort, and overall quality of life. However, there are various strategies and interventions available to help manage spasticity effectively. This comprehensive guide explores practical approaches for individuals living with spasticity, empowering them to take control of their symptoms and improve their daily function and comfort.

Common Brain Functions Based on Lobes

Download the pdf for  "Common Brain Functions Based on Lobes" to have a understand what part of the brain is impacted based on injury

Spastic Hemiplegia Ideas for Practitioners

Spastic hemiplegia, characterized by increased muscle tone and stiffness on one side of the body, often results from a stroke or brain injury. Occupational therapy plays a crucial role in managing this condition by utilizing various researched methods to inhibit abnormal muscle tone and guide the brain in relearning motor patterns. Techniques such as deep breathing exercises help promote relaxation and reduce muscle tension, while deep tendon compression applies firm pressure to specific tendons to encourage muscle relaxation. Weight-bearing activities, such as pushing against a wall or bearing weight through the arms, also promote tone inhibition. Stretching exercises, including passive, active-assisted, and self-stretching, help increase flexibility and reduce muscle stiffness.


Stroke Resources and Spastic Hemiplegia Bundle

Rehabilitation resources to help patients recovering from or living with symptoms of stroke

The Stroke Resources and Spastic Hemiplegia bundle is an invaluable resource for practitioners looking to enhance their understanding and treatment of stroke and spastic hemiplegia. It provides evidence-based information and practical tools to support effective rehabilitation.

Stroke, also known as a cerebrovascular accident (CVA), occurs when the blood supply to a part of the brain is interrupted or reduced, preventing brain tissue from getting oxygen and nutrients. Brain cells begin to die within minutes, leading to neurological deficits that vary based on the location and severity of the stroke. One common and debilitating outcome of stroke is spastic hemiplegia, which refers to the paralysis and abnormal muscle tightness (spasticity) on one side of the body. This condition significantly impacts mobility, coordination, and overall quality of life, necessitating a comprehensive and multifaceted approach to rehabilitation.

Rehabilitation for spastic hemiplegia post-stroke focuses on improving motor function, reducing spasticity, and enhancing the patient’s ability to perform daily activities. The rehabilitation process typically involves a combination of physical therapy, occupational therapy, and sometimes speech therapy, tailored to the individual needs of the patient. The primary goals are to restore movement, prevent complications, and promote as much independence as possible.

The stroke resources bundle includes:

1. Resource for Tools on Amazon

A one-page guide lists various tools available for purchase through Amazon that are beneficial in treating spastic hemiplegia. These tools can include adaptive equipment, therapeutic devices, and assistive technologies designed to facilitate exercises, improve motor function, and manage spasticity.

2. Body Functions Impacted by Stroke

An overview of the body functions commonly affected by stroke, including motor skills, sensory perception, speech and language, cognitive abilities, and emotional regulation. This resource helps practitioners understand the wide-ranging impact of stroke and tailor their interventions accordingly.

3. Common Symptoms of CVA by Arterial Supply

This section details the typical symptoms associated with strokes in different arterial regions of the brain. Understanding the relationship between arterial supply and stroke symptoms allows practitioners to more accurately diagnose and develop targeted treatment plans.

4. Spasticity Methods for the Treatment of High Tone

A  guide to various methods used to manage spasticity in patients with high muscle tone.

5. Common Functions Based on Lobes

An informative breakdown of the functions associated with each lobe of the brain and how strokes affecting these areas manifest clinically. This knowledge is crucial for developing specific rehabilitation strategies aimed at the functional deficits observed in the patient.

6. Spastic Hemiplegia Treatment Ideas for Practitioners

A collection of innovative and effective treatment ideas specifically for practitioners working with patients who have spastic hemiplegia. These ideas include exercise routines, functional training activities, and therapeutic techniques to enhance recovery and improve outcomes.

7. Video Example of Spastic Hemiplegia Activity (~4 minutes)

8. Video Instruction on Hypertonicity Management (~17 minutes)

What is included? 

  • 1 pg resource for tools you can purchase through Amazon that are helpful for the treatment of spastic hemiplegia
  • Body Functions impacted by stroke
  • Common symptoms of CVA by arterial supply
  • Spasticity Methods for the treatment of high tone
  • Common functions based on lobes
  • Spastic hemiplegia treatment ideas for practitioners
  • Video Example of Spastic Hemiplegia Activity (~ 4 minutes)
  • Video Instruction on Hypertonicty Management (~17 minutes)