
Occupational Therapy Frames of Reference Printable


Download the ‘8 Occupational Therapy Frames of Reference’  Graphic for an easy printout and reference of the most common frames of reference when working in adult physical dysfunctions.


8 Occupational Therapy Frames of Reference Graphic

This original document is for all occupational therapy students and practitioners searching for a good printable for the 8 most common occupational therapy frames of reference used when working in adult physical dysfunction settings. Sometimes all we need is a short little summary of each frame of reference (FOR) so that we can be reminded of the information we learned throughout our occupational therapy programs. Frames of Reference included: Motor learning, Sensorimotor, cognitive disability, behavior and cognitive behavior, neurofunctional approach, multi-context treatment approach, rehabilitation, and biomechanical frame of reference Download the ‘History of Occupational Therapy ‘ pdfs for a well-rounded history of OT! Looking for a video reference? Check out this presentation  Not a member of BOT Resources yet? CLICK HERE.